She not only talks the talk, but walks the walk.
I was intially inspired by her years ago watching her do her own personal per-dawn workouts.
We trained in Los Angeles. Catherine is not only a personal trainer but a life coach. Are you are ready to take it to the next level? Now you can be coached online!
Greg Olvera
Personal Training client
Tammy Smith
Pre/Post Natal Training client
Catherine started training me while I was pregnant with my first son, she taught me the basic fundamentals of fitness but also showed me how to enjoy it.
Through three years and two babies in the span of 18 months Catherine has kept me in tip top shape with fun workouts and nutritional guidance!
Every friend of mine is amazed and shocked at how quickly I get back in shape after each pregnancy and I owe it all to Catherine, she makes working out a celebration of your body that you look forward to rather than dread. I have recommended her to many friends and family members.
With Catherine I learned that a well balanced workout includes mind, body and spirit. She helps me to flow through my workouts with more intention and less struggling. Catherine has such a positive and nurturing energy and she will help you grow and reach your health and fitness goals!
Kim McReynolds
Private Training client
Scott Bode
Personal Training Client
I have been training with Catherine for 4-5 years. Her fitness programs are inspiring, professional, and always well though out. I’ve learned the importance of doing a movement correctly and how it can positively effect results.
Catherine’s unique approach helps me stick to a routine and believe — I can do it!
We trained virtual and I really felt the differece. Thanks for making me a believer.